ChiroFutures Malpractice Program
The Latest Attacks on Chiropractic

Pediatrics, Advertising & Claims – What you need to know

In 2010 a paper was published in the Journal of Chiropractic and Osteopathy titled: Effectiveness of manual therapies: the UK evidence report. This paper became known as the infamous “Bronfort Report”.

CLICK HERE for a copy

It sent shockwaves through the United Kingdom and reportedly several hundred chiropractors faced investigations and sanctions by the General Chiropractic Council which is the entity that regulates and licenses chiropractors in the United Kingdom. 

The controversy revolved around claims being made by chiropractors for what types of conditions chiropractic could help people with and much of the focus was on content found on websites. 

Many readers may have recently heard about a chiropractor in Australia who was targeted by the Australian authorities and reprimanded for a video he posted on YouTube demonstrating the adjustment of a young child with colic. 

Anyone who watched the video would have been impressed by the technique, specificity and care utilized to administer the adjustments, nevertheless he suffered consequences due to the ongoing battle within the profession over its reason to be and the fact that those who are anti-subluxation are in control of the profession. Our hope is that chiropractors in Australia get organized and take back the profession in that country. 

While you may think that these events in the United Kingdom and Australia are isolated to those countries I have some sobering news for you – they are not. The only reason they garner so much attention is because the United Kingdom and Australia have only one regulatory board for chiropractic in each country – contrast this with 50 chiropractic regulatory boards in the United States. 

The reality is that we deal with advertising and marketing complaints on behalf of our insureds on a regular basis and over the past few years they are becoming more and more commonplace.  One problem is that chiropractors may not realize how much their websites, Facebook pages and other social media are being scrutinized by the powers that be. 

I am going to urge you in the strongest possible way to take some time, go to our Members Only section and take our Self Surveys related to your website and advertising and correct any issues that you might find. 

CLICK HERE to access Members Only Section

I can promise you that you are going to be better off spending this time NOW as opposed to after you get the letter from the regulatory board that you have violated their rules and regulations. 

As always I look forward to your feedback, comments and suggestions. 

Matthew McCoy DC, MPH
CEO & Co-Founder
ChiroFutures Malpractice Program

ChiroFutures Malpractice Program