WFC Pushes Back Pain & Primary Care in Iran

According to the release Dr. Brown spoke to a crowd of 1000 delegates urging inclusion of chiropractic in the state health system of Iran. The emphasis of his talk was promoting chiropractic as the treatment of back pain and the role of the chiropractor as a primary care provider that focuses on the spine.
Brown, an outspoken Subluxation Denier and proponent of drug rights for chiropractors was elected Secretary General of the WFC in 2014. Brown is the immediate past President of the British Chiropractic Association and has stated his and the BCA’s support for prescriptive drug rights for chiropractors.
In July 2012 in response to physiotherapists and podiatrists in England being given the right to prescribe drugs such as anti-inflammatories and painkillers BCA President Richard Brown stated:
“This decision will provide significant benefits for patients and complement the care they are able to receive from physiotherapists and podiatrists. It will also reduce the need for patients to return to their GPs for their medication”.
The BCA statement continued:
“The BCA, which is committed to improving quality and enhancing patient choice in the provision of musculoskeletal services, has already made representation to the statutory regulator, the General Chiropractic Council for the chiropractic profession to acquire prescribing rights and supports on-going dialogue to achieve this objective."
Brown has referred to chiropractors who focus on the analysis and correction of vertebral subluxation as “One Trick Ponies” in the Chiropractic Cartel’s peer reviewed literature:
“For chiropractic to gain credibility, we must also accept that we cannot simply be one-trick ponies. Claims by some chiropractors that we should not be diagnosticians but merely the correctors of vertebral subluxation perpetuate the myth that consulting a chiropractor will invariably involve lengthy programmes of spinal manipulation.”
Just prior to Brown’s address in Iran, the country of Lichtenstein approved drug prescription rights for chiropractors. The Lichtenstein Chiropractic Association is a dues paying member of the World Federation of Chiropractic and the WFC promoted the addition of drugs in that country on their Facebook page until they took it down due to the negative comments being posted.
CLICK HERE for MORE on Lichtenstein
The WFC is a member of the Summit group along with the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) and the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). Neither the ICA nor ACA spoke out about the WFC’s support of Lichtenstein’s decision despite the Summit Group’s position statement regarding drugs in chiropractic.
International Report
- Defending the use of Routine X-Rays in Chiropractic Care: A Public Health Imperative
- Addressing Misconceptions About Imaging: The Case for Routine and Repeat X-Rays in Chiropractic Care
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