ATLANTA, Georgia – 2024
-use-in-a-chiropractic-pediatric-patient-a-case-study/" target="_blank">An influential new study published in the Journal of Pediatric Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic reveals groundbreaking findings on the effectiveness of chiropractic care in managing children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The literature included supports the role of chiropractic in those suffering from the related health challenges and calls for more research in this area.
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“Research indicates that minor shifts in the structure of the spine may impact function, suggesting that these structural shifts may be a factor in a number of disorders. Structural shifts may lead to nerve obstruction and could possibly be involved in a host of health problems such as ADHD and other neurobehavioral challenges” stated Dr. Matthew McCoy, a chiropractor, public health researcher and editor of the journal that published the study.
“It makes perfect sense when you think about it” stated Dr. McCoy. “The research highlights how non-invasive interventions can significantly impact children with ADHD, showcasing a notable improvement in behavior, decrease in retained primitive reflexes, and enhanced Interactive Metronome scores. These results underscore the potential for chiropractic adjustments, along with targeted exercises, to foster brain function improvements, thus contributing to a reduction in ADHD symptomatology.”
The 11-year-old child reported on in this study was born prematurely. He was diagnosed with ADHD, had retained primitive reflexes, and low scores on the Interactive Metronome. He also had difficulty in reading and reading comprehension during elementary school.
The chiropractor examined him and found structural shifts in his neck, upper back, and low back. Restrictions and muscle tightness were also noted in his neck and low back. Retained primitive reflexes were identified and an eye assessment revealed abnormal eye tracking. These structural shifts can lead to obstruction of the nerves and it is this obstruction, called vertebral subluxations, that chiropractors correct.
Following chiropractic care, he experienced improvement in behavior, Interactive Metronome scores, and reflexes. He also reported improvement in his golf game relating to strength and balance.
This study's findings advocate for the integration of chiropractic care as a complementary approach to traditional ADHD treatments. The positive outcomes reported highlight the importance of personalized, non-pharmacological interventions in managing and potentially alleviating ADHD symptoms. The study’s author called for additional research to investigate the clinical implications of chiropractic in this population.
Matthew McCoy DC, MPH
Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic